Tuition & Fee Details
Tuition & Fee Basics
Tuition rates are based on:
Fee assessments are based on:
- number of registered semester hours
- specific course enrollment
Campus Fee Descriptions & How Fees are Determined
College and Curriculum
Your tuition rate is based in part on what college you are admitted to and what specific program you are studying. All students enrolled in Engineering, Chemical and Life Sciences, Fine and Applied Arts, Journalism, Advertising, Business curricula, and certain curricula in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences are assessed a tuition surcharge.
Residency Classification
Another factor in determining your tuition rate is whether you are a resident or nonresident of Illinois. Residency rules are available from the University-wide Student Programs website. Your classification is based on information you provide on your admission application and other credentials.
To request a change in your residency classification, download the petition below or obtain a copy from the Office of the Registrar. You must submit the petition by September 30 for Fall, February 15 for Spring, or June 20 for Summer. If you fail to submit a petition within the allotted time period, you lose all rights to a change in status and adjustment of your assessed tuition for the term. For additional information, please call 217-333-0210.
- Petition for determination of residency status
- Frequently Asked Questions about in-state and out-of-state residency
Credit Range
Tuition and fee charges are related to the number of semester hours for which you register. There are four possible credit ranges.
Fall and Spring
- Range I: 12 or more hours
- Range II: 6 - 11 hours
- Range III: 1 - 5 hours
- Range IV: Zero credit only
Tuition is assessed per credit hour.
Fees and Other Assessments: How They Are Determined
The fee schedule and other assessments are fixed by the University Board of Trustees and are calculated on the basis of the number of semester hours for which you are registered.
Academic Facilities Maintenance Fund Assessment (AFMFA) : An assessment to support deferred maintenance and facility renovations for academic buildings.
General Fee: A fee comprised of debt service, facility renewal and replacement funds, campus administrative charges, and general University charges; distributed to auxiliary service units (State Farm Center, Athletic Facilities, Campus Recreation, Career Center, Counseling Center, Illini Union, McKinley Health Center, and Student Services and Arcade Buildings).
Service Fee: A fee composed of categories for salaries, programming, general expenses, and utilities; distributed to auxiliary service units (State Farm Center, Campus Recreation, Career Center, Illini Union, and Student Services and Arcade Buildings).
Students exempt from the Service Fee because they are registered in Credit Range III or IV (less than 3 hours for Summer) may obtain the services by paying the semester fee at a cashier's window in 100 Henry Administration Building.
Health Service Fee: A fee assessed to all students for salaries, programming, general expenses, and utilities; distributed to the Counseling Center and McKinley Health Center.
Students exempt from the Health Service Fee because they are enrolled in Credit Range III or IV (less than 3 hours for Summer) may obtain the services by paying the semester fee at the McKinley Health Center Business Office by the appropriate deadline for the term.
Health Insurance Fee: A fee which covers the cost of premiums to the insurance carrier and the cost of administering the group sickness and accident plan which provides world-wide coverage. Contact the Student Insurance Office for information about exemption and deadlines.
Library/Information Technology Fee: A fee used to aid in the transition towards electronic media and digitalization, increase library hours, improve information technology services, strengthen opportunities for research technology and assistance, and enhance access to both electronic and print material collections.
Transportation Fee: A fee that supports a campus and community transportation plan for students.
Students exempt from the Transportation Fee because they are enrolled in Credit Range III or IV (less than 3 hours for Summer) may obtain the services by paying the semester fee at the Division of Campus Parking by the deadline for the term.
Flight Training Fee: Charged each student enrolled in flight training courses in addition to regular tuition and fee registration charges; based on the nature of each course.
Student Initiated Fees: Beginning the Fall 2012 term, this is a new, consolidation of the following student initiated fees. The amount will appear as a single line item on the Student Account and is not refundable.
Cleaner Energy Technologies Fee (CET): A fee used to purchase cleaner energy technologies for campus including solar, wind, hydrogen and geothermal projects, energy efficiency purchases, and the purchase of renewable energy from non-university producers.
Collegiate Readership Fee: A fee to fund the Collegiate Readership Program which provides free copies of various newspapers.
Cultural Programming Fee (CP): A fee that supports cultural programming within six areas: African-American, Asian-American, Latina/o, LGBT, Native American and women's programming.
Krannert Fee (KCPA): A fee that supports programming at the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts.
Legacy of Service and Learning Scholarship Fee (Legacy): A fee creating a new and permanent source of need/merit based scholarships which include a community service component.
Media Fee: A fee to support the Illini Media Company which operates the Daily Illini, Illio, WPGU, and other campus-based media.
Sustainable Campus Environment Fee: A fee to help establish a sustainable campus environment by financing initiatives such as green buildings, engagement of the University community, recycling , energy efficiency, and environmentally responsible purchasing.
Students for Equal Access to Learning Fee (SEAL): A fee which supplements existing financial aid for students with financial need.
Student Organization Resource Fee (SORF): A fee to help fund programs and/or services of Registered Student Organizations.
Study Abroad and Travel Scholarship Fee (SAS): A fee to provide scholarships to undergraduate students for study abroad and to graduate and professional students for travel scholarships.
Important Note: Students who are exempt from the Student Initiated Fees because they are registered in Credit Range III or IV (less than 3 hours for Summer) may participate in them by paying the designated charge at a cashier's window in 100 Henry Administration Building. The charge will cover all the fees, which may not be purchased separately.
Tuition rates and fee assessments are determined by the University Board of Trustees.